│Diseñador gráfico Sevilla│ Ilustrador│Doblaje│

What Is Concord or Agreement in Grammar

Concord or agreement in grammar is an essential element in constructing coherent and effective sentences. It refers to the agreement between different grammatical elements, such as subjects and verbs, adjectives and nouns, and pronouns and antecedents, to make sure that they match in terms of number, gender, and person. The proper use of concord helps to ensure that the sentence is grammatically correct and clearly conveys the intended message.

The basic rule of concord is that a singular subject requires a singular verb, and a plural subject requires a plural verb. For example, «The boy runs» is correct, while «The boy run» is incorrect because the verb «run» should be in its singular form to agree with the singular subject «boy.»

In addition, it is essential to consider the gender of the subject when using pronouns. For singular subjects, one should use «he» for male subjects, «she» for female subjects, and «it» for objects. For plural subjects, use «they» for both male and female subjects. For example, «She is studying hard for her final exams,» is a proper sentence since the pronoun «her» matches the gender of the subject «she.»

Another important element of concord is ensuring agreement in number between adjectives and nouns. Adjectives describe or modify nouns, and they should match the number of the noun they modify. For example, «The green apples are delicious,» is correct because the adjective «green» matches the plural noun «apples.»

Lastly, pronouns must agree in number and person with their antecedents, which are the nouns or phrases they refer to. For example, «They`re happy because they won the game,» is correct because the pronoun «they» refers to the plural subject «they,» and the verb «won» agrees with the subject`s number and tense.

In conclusion, the proper use of concord or agreement in grammar is crucial in constructing coherent and effective sentences. Ensure that grammatical elements, such as subjects and verbs, adjectives and nouns, and pronouns and antecedents, match in terms of number, gender, and person to convey the intended message accurately. By mastering the rules of concord, you can become a better writer and communicate your message more effectively.

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