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Party Wall Agreement Garden Wall

A party wall agreement is a legal document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of neighbors when they share a common wall or fence. This is particularly relevant when it comes to garden walls, which are likely to be shared by those living in semi-detached or terraced houses.

When planning to build or repair a garden wall, it is important to check whether it is a party wall. If it is, your first step should be to inform your neighbor of your plans. You will then need to draw up a party wall agreement, which will detail the work you intend to carry out, the schedule for completion, and the terms of the agreement.

Some of the key items that should be included in a party wall agreement for a garden wall include:

– Details of the proposed work: This should include information on the materials to be used, the height of the wall, and any other design features.

– Timelines for the work: It is important to agree on a schedule for the work, including start and end dates, to ensure that both parties are aware of what is happening and when.

– Provisions for damage: If there is any damage caused to the wall during the work, the agreement should outline how this will be addressed and who will be responsible for any repairs.

– Liability and indemnity: The agreement should state who will be liable for any accidents or injuries that occur during the work and who will be responsible for any associated costs.

– Dispute resolution: It is important to have a process in place for resolving any disputes that arise during the work. This could involve mediation or arbitration, depending on the nature of the dispute.

Overall, a party wall agreement is a crucial step in ensuring that any work carried out on a shared garden wall is done in a safe and responsible manner, with everyone`s rights and interests protected. If you are planning a garden wall project, be sure to consult with your neighbor and seek professional advice to ensure that the agreement meets all legal requirements and covers all necessary contingencies.

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